.wp-post-image { display:none; } There are so many reasons you should consider going paperless. Storing paper documents and moving them around in your organization is expensive and time-consuming. There’s a better way to manage your business processes.
If you’re like many companies who sell B2B and/or B2C, your website is probably not earning straight A’s. It may not be a total failure, but chances are it isn’t really meeting your needs – or your customers’ needs. In today’s global, internet-driven economy, both potential customers and current customers have a world of options […]
As your company grows, so do the risks of doing business. More employees mean that you can’t watch over every transaction. New markets and expanded product lines mean additional regulations and compliance requirements. To maintain control of the risks that naturally follow growth, you need the audit trails and formal business processes that an ERP […]
The cloud has gone from a theoretical concept to being so commonplace that it’s a challenge to find a business that doesn’t have at least one cloud service supporting operations. While there is no dearth of cloud solutions, one of the increasingly popular systems is cloud-based ERP. Here we give you an overview of what […]
As your company grows, there comes a time when you start to think about replacing your accounting system with an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system. There are lots of reasons that most growing companies hesitate to make the change, including: Extra work for employees during the implementation, The expected cost of the software and services, […]
The modern consumer is spoiled rotten. He or she can walk around Best Buy scanning pictures of the latest flat-screen TVs while comparing prices on Walmart’s smartphone app, then eventually purchase their item from Amazon. In short, today’s consumers are connected.
Some things just make sense. Saving time and cutting costs are among every company’s goals. More and more people are starting to see how eliminating the paper from their processes makes things a whole lot easier. The key benefits that have the most significance to you will depend largely on your role in the organization, […]
Some things just make sense. Saving time and cutting costs are among every company’s goals. More and more people are starting to see how eliminating the paper from their processes makes things a whole lot easier. The key benefits that have the most significance to you will depend largely on your role in the organization, […]
For suppliers, EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) is often thought of as an annoyance—something that their “big box” customers force on them. If the supplier does not comply, they face consequences such as chargebacks or even the end of a trading partner relationship.
For suppliers, EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) is often thought of as an annoyance—something that their “big box” customers force on them. If the supplier does not comply, they face consequences such as chargebacks or even the end of a trading partner relationship.