Expert Solution for How to Find the Library ID on SharePoint – 2024

Expert Solution for How to Find the Library ID on SharePoint – 2024

If you're working with SharePoint and need to locate the Library ID of a specific library, this step-by-step guide is for you. As a Managed IT Service Provider, we understand that finding the Library ID can be essential for various administrative tasks, including customization and integration with other tools or scripts.

Drawing on our extensive experience in IT support and solutions, here is a step-by-step guide on how to find your library ID on SharePoint.

Why You Would Need to Find the Library ID

The Library ID in SharePoint is a unique identifier for each library within a SharePoint site. It's crucial for distinguishing between different libraries, especially when they have similar names or when performing programmatic actions.

  1. Custom Development: If you're creating custom features or applications in SharePoint, you need the Library ID to make sure your code works with the right library.
  2. Integration with Other Systems: When connecting SharePoint libraries to different software or services, the Library ID helps in linking to the correct library.
  3. Administrative Tasks: For managing libraries, setting up automations, or doing bulk operations, the Library ID is essential to target the right library.

Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Your SharePoint Library ID

Step 1: Open Your SharePoint Site

Start by navigating to your SharePoint site. Ensure that you're logged in with the necessary permissions to access the library settings.

A screenshot of a SharePoint document library with a URL visible in the address bar. The library is part of a marketing group, and it contains folders named "General," "Leads," "," and "SMM," with various modified dates.

Step 2: Access the Library

Locate the library for which you want to find the ID. You can do this by browsing through your site's contents or using the site's navigation features.

Step 3: Library Settings

  • Once inside the library, look for the "Settings" option. This is usually found in the upper-right corner of the library page.

This screenshot shows a SharePoint document library settings menu. The "Settings" gear icon in the upper right corner is highlighted, and a settings sidebar is open, displaying options like "Site contents," "Site settings," "Library settings,"etc.

  • Click on "Library settings" or "Settings" and then select "Library Settings" from the dropdown menu.

The screenshot focuses on the "Settings" sidebar in SharePoint, with the "Library settings" option highlighted, indicating where to click to proceed to the next step.

  • Click on "More Library settings".

This screenshot depicts the SharePoint "Library settings" page. The settings page is open with various options for configuration, such as "Name and description" The option "More Library Settings," is highlighted.

Step 4: Copy the URL

After entering the Library Settings page, your browser's address bar will display a new URL. This URL contains the information you need.

A screenshot showing the SharePoint Library Settings page with a list of settings. The page URL contains the unique Library ID at the end, which is highlighted in red to show its location.

Step 5: Extract the Library ID

  • Copy the entire URL from the address bar.
  • Paste it into a text editor like Notepad or Word for easier handling.

The image shows a text editor window with a single line of text displaying a SharePoint Library ID. The ID is in a standard GUID format, which appears to have been copied from a URL, as indicated by the preceding '%' character, suggesting URL encoding.

Step 6: Edit the URL

  • The part you're interested in is the text following "List=" in the URL.
  • Remove everything before and including "List=".
  • Next, you will see a string enclosed within %7B and %7D. These are URL encoded characters for { and }.
  • Delete %7B (the encoded opening curly brace) and %7D (the encoded closing curly brace).

An image of a notepad with the Library ID from the SharePoint URL copied and pasted. The ID is highlighted, showing the step of extracting the ID from the URL.

Step 7: Identify the Library ID

What remains after the above steps is your Library ID, a string of numbers and letters. This is the unique identifier for your SharePoint library.

Tips and Warnings

  • Permissions: Ensure you have the necessary permissions to access library settings. You will require owner access. If you don’t have access, you will need to contact your IT Service Provider.
  • Accuracy: Be careful when editing the URL to avoid accidental deletion of parts of the Library ID.

Finding your SharePoint Library ID is a straightforward process that involves navigating to your library settings and extracting the ID from the URL. This guide should help you efficiently locate the ID, enabling you to manage your SharePoint libraries more effectively.

Remember, if you encounter any issues or have further questions, don't hesitate to reach out to your IT Team. If you're in need of a Managed IT Services, contact us today!